Five reasons to buy off-plan

Purchasing a property ‘Off-plan’ is a great option for buyers looking for a new home. By buying off-plan, you not only access special rates for the price of the property, but also are able to specify and tweak the design of the property before building progresses. 


Return on investment

Money saving is one of the main advantages of buying off-plan. By guaranteeing the purchase of the property before building commences, buyers can access a discount price, often saving thousands of pounds when compared to the market value. What’s more, as developments progress and interest in living there rises, so too can the prices.


Structured payments and guarantees

Off-plan property is typically paid for in instalments according to a schedule that is agreed in advance. Each payment is safeguarded in an escrow account until the agreed release date when we have fulfilled our obligations for that construction stage.


Design the dream

Layout and interior changes are easy to approve during the early stages of construction before the internal walls are put up and the utilities installed. This can save a substantial amount when designing a bespoke property to your personal taste.


Brand-new technology

Each of our new properties comes with the latest technology and we adhere to the highest standards in terms of materials used and our impact on the environment. Whilst we offer a set standard of specification with each property, purchasing off-plan gives buyers the possibility off further adding to this. 


Orchard Homes prides itself on delivering amazing properties to our buyers and we work tirelessly to ensure that the buying process runs as smoothly as possible for our customers. Buying off-plan gets customers involved in the build process from the outset and allows us to deliver truly bespoke properties at much reduced prices.